
Exhibits of objects and pictures about the history and culture of the region, the usage of equipment and the historical aspects of living in a rural area are displayed on the ground floor and the upper three levels of the Münchhausen Barn, in the Arkenstede manor and in several of the buildings at the open-air museum.

Permanent exhibits offer insights into the ample treasures in the museum’s collection. Special exhibits present topics and scenes about historical cultural issues and problems. Agricultural technology using tractors, equipment for working the acreage and harvesting machinery are presented in the Helmut Ottenjann hall on more than a thousand square meters of the overall area.

Ob alt oder jung, wir alle feiern unsere Geburtstage, Hochzeiten, Jubiläen, das Leben, die Freundschaft und häufig auch ganz ohne Anlass. Was aber braucht man auf jeden Fall zum Feiern, wen lädt man ein und was bleibt uns in Erinnerung?

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Historische Gärten in Nordwestdeutschland. Der Stellenwert adeliger Lustgärten oder bürgerlicher Gartenanlagen ist unbestritten. Ihre Vorbildfunktion war für Nachahmer vor allem in den Städten des 19. Jahrhunderts groß.

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The unusual collection of agricultural machines and equipment from the first half of the 20th century forms the basis of a large exhibition on agricultural technology in the Dr. Helmut-Ottenjann-Halle of the Museumsdorf.

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The Furniture Collection as Witness to Craftsmanship and Everyday History

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Das Thema Umwelt hat Konjunktur. Der umweltgeschichtliche Blick in die Vergangenheit kann hierbei helfen, Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge zu wecken.

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From time immemorial, people have not only been on the search for a better time, but also for better ways to measure time, to state the “correct” time.

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All of us are surrounded daily by textiles of the most varied kinds: be it hand towels, curtains, clothes or bedding and table linen.

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