Entrance Fees

Individual visitors
Day tickets in advance sale at Nordwest-Ticket >>>>>

Adults 9.50 €
Reduced admission * 6.00 €
Children and adolescents (6-18 years) 3.50 €

Family day ticket 20.00 €
Little Family day ticket (1 Adult and children) 11,00 €

Single-year ticket 30.00 €
Family annual pass 60.00 €

Groups (from 20 Persons)
Adults  8.00 €
Reduced admission for groups *  5.00 €
Students and adolescents (6-18 years) € 3.00 *

* Reduced admission applies to trainees, students, federal volunteers, severely handicapped persons,
welfare recipients and ALG2 beneficiaries upon presentation.

Guided tours (up to 30 persons)
Adults, in addition to entrance fee 60,00 €
School classes, plus entrance fee 30,00 €
Guided tours by arrangement, plus entry fee from 90,00 €

Surcharge for foreign language tour (English, French) 10 , 00 €

Bookable educational offers (prices per person without entrance fee)

Vom Korn zum Brot 6,00 €
Das blaue Wunder 7,00 €
Dorfschulreife 3,50 €
Essen wie damals 6,00 €
Pottbäcker und Kannengießer 7,00 €
Rund um das Butterfass 6,00 €
Schreibmeisterlehrgang 4,50 €

Kindergeburtstage, Klönschnack
Kindergeburtstage (bis 12 Kinder) pauschal 70,00 €
- für jedes weitere Kind je 5,00 €
Klönschnack (für bis zu 30 Personen) ab 90,00 €

© 2025 Stiftung Museumsdorf Cloppenburg